RequirementsLibrary to Use
MPI with Libfabrics support for OPX, PSM3, Cray Slingshot11 and UCX support for InfiniBand MVAPICH 3.0
MPI with Libfabrics support for OPX, PSM3, Cray Slingshot11 and UCX support for InfiniBand in a Docker container MVAPICH 3.0 Docker
Legacy MPI with Support for InfiniBand, Omni-Path, Ethernet/iWARP, RoCE (v1/v2), Slingshot 10, and Rockport Networks MVAPICH2 2.3.7
Optimized Support for Microsoft Azure Platform with InfiniBand MVAPICH2-Azure
Advanced MPI with unified MVAPICH2-GDR and MVAPICH2-X features for HPC, DL, ML, Big Data and Data Science applications MVAPICH-Plus 4rc
Advanced MPI with unified MVAPICH2-GDR and MVAPICH2-X features for HPC, DL, ML, Big Data and Data Science applications MVAPICH-Plus 3.0
Advanced MPI features/support (UMR, ODP, DC, Core-Direct, SHArP, XPMEM), OSU INAM (InfiniBand Network Monitoring and Analysis), PGAS (OpenSHMEM, UPC, UPC++, and CAF), MPI+PGAS (OpenSHMEM, UPC, UPC++, and CAF) with IB and RoCE (v1/v2) MVAPICH2-X
Advanced MPI features (SRD and XPMEM) with support for Amazon Elastic Fabric Adapter (EFA) MVAPICH2-X-AWS
Optimized MPI for clusters with NVIDIA GPUs, AMD GPUs, and for GPU-enabled Deep Learning Applications MVAPICH2-GDR
Java bindings for MVAPICH2 family of libraries MVAPICH2-J
OSU InfiniBand Network Analysis and Monitoring (OSU INAM) Tool OSU INAM
Hypervisor and container based (Docker and Singularity) HPC cloud with MPI & IB (SR-IOV) MVAPICH2-Virt
Energy-Aware MPI with IB, iWARP, and RoCE (v1/v2) MVAPICH2-EA

MVAPICH 3.0 Source Code and Quick Start Guide

MVAPICH 3.0 Docker Quick Start Guide

MVAPICH2 2.3.7 Source Code, Quick Start Guide and User Guide

MVAPICH2 Anonymous SVN Access

The MVAPICH2 library is available for download through a public SVN.

MVAPICH2-Azure 2.3.7 Deployment

MVAPICH-Plus 4.0rc Library

MVAPICH-Plus 3.0 Library

MVAPICH2-X 2.3 Library and User Guide

Combined RPM Tarballs
OFED Version Stock OFED MOFED 4.X* INTEL IFS 10.10
x86_64 [GNU 4.8.5]
[GNU 4.8.5]
[GNU 4.8.5]
*Note that the MOFED 4.X RPMs were built against MOFED 4.5
  • However, these RPMs should work against the other MOFEDs with the same major MOFED version number
  • e.g MOFED 4.X RPMs should work if you have MOFED 4.0, MOFED 4.2, MOFED 4.4, or MOFED 4.5
  • Please email if you encounter any issues
Compiler Versions GNU 4.9.3 GNU 4.9.3 (w/ jsrun) GNU 7.3.1 GNU 7.3.1 (w/ jsrun) GNU 8.3.1 GNU 8.3.1 (w/ jsrun) CLANG 8.0.1 CLANG 8.0.1 (w/ jsrun) XLC 16.01 XLC 16.01 (w/ jsrun)
Compiler Versions GNU 4.8.5 GNU 7.3.0 GNU 8.3.0 CLANG 7.0.1

User Requested RPMs

  • MOFED4.5
  • MOFED4.6
  • MOFED4.7
  • MOFED4.9
  • MOFED5.0
  • MOFED5.1
  • MOFED5.6

  • Please fill out this form if your configuration does not appear on the list or email if you experience any trouble installing the library on your own system.

    MVAPICH2-X-AWS 2.3.7 Library and User Guide

    MVAPICH2-GDR 2.3.7 Library

  • Please fill out this form if your configuration does not appear on the list or email if you experience any trouble installing the library on your own system.

  • MVAPICH2-J Library


    OSU InfiniBand Network Analysis and Monitoring (OSU INAM) Tool v1.1 (03/11/24)

    Environment Download link
    x86_64 MOFED 5+ with MySQL as Database Download MOFED 5 and higher RPM (RHEL7/CentOS7)
    x86_64 MOFED 5.0 with MySQL as Database Download MOFED 5.0 and higher RPM (RHEL8/Rocky8)
    x86_64 MOFED 5+ with InfluxDB as Database Download MOFED 5 and higher RPM (RHEL8/Rocky8)
    x86_64 MOFED 5+ with ClickHouse as Database Download MOFED 5 and higher RPM (RHEL7/CentOS7)
    x86_64 MOFED 5+ with ClickHouse as Database Download MOFED 5 and higher RPM (RHEL8/Rocky8)

    User Requested RPMs/DEBs

    Please note that, MySQL RPMs were built using GNU (GCC) 4.8.5, InfluDB RPMs were built using GNU (GCC) 7.5.0, and ClickHouse RPMs were built using GNU 8.5.0

    MVAPICH2-MIC 2.0 Library

    MVAPICH2-Virt 2.2 Package

    MVAPICH2-EA 2.1 Library

    Web Downloads: 1824654

    SVN Downloads: 22723