Machine Specifications

CPU Model CPU Core Info Memory IB Card IB Switch OS OFED MPSS MIC
Intel E5-2680 2x8 @ 2.6Ghz 64GB Mellanox ConnectX-3 (56Gbps) Mellanox FDR IB Switch RHEL 6.5 OFED-3.5-2-MIC MPSS 3.4-1 Intel 5110P


One Way Latency Unidirectional Bandwidth Bidirectional Bandwidth
2.69 us 9085.23 MBps 13829.8 MBps
mic latency
mic bandwidth
mic bi bandwidth

Host to MIC

One Way Latency Unidirectional Bandwidth Bidirectional Bandwidth
4.7 us 6644.71 MBps 6804.65 MBps
mic latency
mic bandwidth
mic bi bandwidth

Active 1 Hop - MIC to Remote Host

One Way Latency Unidirectional Bandwidth Bidirectional Bandwidth
4.94 us 5662.63 MBps 8501.92 MBps
mic latency
mic bandwidth
mic bi bandwidth

Active 1 Hop - MIC to Remote MIC

One Way Latency Unidirectional Bandwidth Bidirectional Bandwidth
6.7 us 5159.56 MBps 8479.39 MBps
mic latency
mic bandwidth
mic bi bandwidth

Active 2 Hop - MIC to Remote MIC
This mode is recommended for the inter-socket configuration (i.e IB card and MIC card are in different sockets)

One Way Latency Unidirectional Bandwidth Bidirectional Bandwidth
7.98 us 5306.54 MBps 6875.24 MBps
mic latency
mic bandwidth
mic bi bandwidth

Passive Proxy - 16 Host and 8 MIC processes per node (2 nodes)
This mode is recommended when host nodes are fully subscribed

All-to-All - 48 processes Latency Passive Proxy Active Proxy
4 byte 244.7 us 439.0 us
256 Mbyte 43492.9 us 80487.4 us
mic alltoall