Practice and Experience in Advanced Research Computing - Providence, RI
(Jul 21 - 25, 2024)

Time Location Event Speaker(s)

Monday, July 22

All Times are EST
9:00AM - 12:30PM Room 553A

Scalable Big Data Processing with Dask and Spark on High Performance Computing Systems


A. Shafi
DK Panda
9:00AM - 12:30PM Room 550B

TIES 2024: Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Analytics at Extreme Scale


A. Shafi
DK Panda
M. Abduljabbar
1:30PM - 5:00PM Room 551A

ConvoHPC: Second International Workshop on Conversational AI Interfaces for HPC


H. Subramoni
M. Abduljabbar
1:30PM - 5:00PM Room 551B

Principles and Practice of Scalable and Distributed Deep Neural Networks Training and Inference


A. Shafi
N. Alnaasan
H. Subramoni
DK Panda

Tuesday, July 23

All Times are EST
11:25AM - 11:50AM Ballroom B

OMB-FPGA: A Microbenchmark Suite for FPGA-aware MPIs using OpenCL and SYCL

[Technical Paper]

N. Contini
M. Abduljabbar
H. Subramoni
DK Panda
3:25PM - 3:50PM Room 553 A&B

OMB-CXL: A Micro-Benchmark Suite for Evaluating MPI Communication Utilizing Compute Express Link Memory Devices

[Technical Paper]

T. Tran
M. Abduljabbar
H. Ahn
S. Kim
Y. Park
W. Han
S. Ahn
H. Subramoni
DK Panda
3:50PM - 4:15PM Ballroom B

A Novel LLM-enabled Framework for Accelerating the Creation of Knowledge Graphs for HPC

[Technical Paper]

P. Kousha
V. Sathu
M. Han
J. Jani
N. Alnaasan
H. Subramoni
DK Panda
3:50PM - 4:15PM Room 551 A&B

Infer-HiRes: Accelerating Inference for High-Resolution Images with Quantization and Distributed Deep Learning

[Technical Paper]

R. Gulhane
Q. Anthony
A. Shafi
H. Subramoni
DK Panda

Wednesday, July 24

All Times are EST
11:25AM - 11:50AM Room 553 A&B

Design and Implementation of an IPC-based Collective MPI Library for Intel GPUs

[Technical Paper]

C. Chen
G. Kuncham
P. Kousha
H. Subramoni
DK Panda
4:45PM - 5:45PM Ballroom B

Launching the ICICLE User Group (iUG)


R. Machiraju
DK Panda