Performance numbers of MVAPICH2-X on Intel Broadwell Architecture with Mellanox ConnectX-5 (06/10/20)
Machine Specifications
CPU Model | CPU Core Info | Memory | IB Card | IB Switch | OS | OFED |
Intel E5-2680 | 2x14 @ 2.4GHz | 64GB | Mellanox ConnectX-5 (100Gbps) | Mellanox EDR IB Switch | CentOS 7.6.1810 | Mellanox OFED 4.5- |

Performance numbers of MVAPICH2-X on Intel Broadwell Architecture with Mellanox ConnectX-5 (06/10/20)
Machine Specifications
CPU Model | CPU Core Info | Memory | IB Card | IB Switch | OS | OFED |
Intel E5-2680 | 2x14 @ 2.4GHz | 64GB | Mellanox ConnectX-3 (RoCE) (40Gbps) | Mellanox EDR IB Switch | CentOS 7.6.1810 | Mellanox OFED 4.5- |

Performance numbers of MVAPICH2-X on Intel Broadwell Architecture Intra-Node (06/10/20)
Machine Specifications
CPU Model | CPU Core Info | Memory | OS | OFED |
Intel E5-2680 | 2x14 @ 2.4GHz | 64GB | CentOS 7.6.1810 | Mellanox OFED 4.5- |