MVAPICH2-MIC Changelog ---------------------- MVAPICH2-MIC-2.0 (12/02/2014) Features and Enhancements: - Based on MVAPICH2 2.0.1 - Support for native, symmetric and offload modes of MIC usage - Optimized intra-MIC communication using SCIF and shared-memory channels - Optimized intra-Node Host-to-MIC communication using SCIF and IB channels - Enhanced mpirun_rsh to launch jobs in symmetric mode from the host - Support for proxy-based communication for inter-node transfers - Active-proxy, 1-hop and 2-hop designs (actively using host CPU) - Passive-proxy (passively using host CPU) - Support for MIC-aware MPI_Bcast() - Improved SCIF performance for pipelined communication - Optimized shared-memory communication performance for single-MIC jobs - Supports an explicit CPU-binding mechanism for MIC processes - Tuned pt-to-pt intra-MIC, intra-node, and inter-node transfers - Supports hwloc v1.9